Social media: how can they help you grow your business?

Les médias sociaux sont devenus indispensable pour les entreprises. Comment cela s'explique-t-il? Les médias sociaux permettent aux marques de proposer une expérience plus personnalisée. Ils vous donnent la possibilité de faire partie de la vie de vos clients et de leur fournir un contenu à la fois utile et promotionnel. En outre, vous pouvez renforcer votre crédibilité grâce aux critiques et aux commentaires.

It is an easy way to communicate

Social media offers new opportunities for dialogue between you and your customers. In an ever-changing and increasingly technology-dependent world, most customers nowadays prefer to communicate via email, messaging or social media, rather than picking up the phone and talking to a human voice. You need to ensure that your business offers people the opportunity to contact you in the way they want. If you only have a phone number, it can be a turn-off for people. It also allows you to open up a platform for feedback and enquiries, which are crucial to the training of a growing business. This can be as easy as a quick post on social media, inviting people to give their opinions on your most recent products or services, and to learn from the responses. It also allows you to thank them in a simple and visible way, without them having to wait long for you to call them back, for example.

Social media never sleep

Sending an email may go unanswered for days, phone calls may not be reciprocated, but you can count on social media to always be active. There will always be someone online, posting or reading messages, and the number of times people check their social media every day is massive. This means that the chances of your posts and communications going unnoticed are very low and there will always be someone checking out what you are doing. This single fact can really help boost your business potential.

Social media is great for customer service

Strong customer service is at the top of every business's list of priorities and social media helps make this much easier. Consumers like to communicate with services and businesses via social media. If you have an active question and message service, then this will help generate more satisfaction. Furthermore, social media makes your customer service visible. If you answer a particular enquiry that someone has posted to you publicly and they are happy with your response, other potential customers can see how well you handled the enquiry. This will encourage them to think that you are a friendly company equipped to provide a high level of customer service. A private telephone call does not offer the same benefits.